Objectives, Categories and Tags

Objectives, Categories and Tags

Roadmap Objectives

Roadmap Objectives are typically used as roadmap themes, or goals, and are used to group similar cards together - these could be used as competencies in your case perhaps. These types of roadmaps focus on goals and objectives and are used to “bucket” together features that will ultimately deliver the outcome of the objective. A simple example of this might be an objective of “Increase conversions” which would then include features such as:
  1. Simplify sign up page
  2. Implement live chat
  3. Feature reminder emails
Although there is no set rule, roadmap items typically group together 2-5 features together. Users can create and edit all Objectives, but Productstash provides the following as default:
  1. Onboarding
  2. Increase Engagement
  3. Revenue Growth
  4. User Experience


Ideas and Updates each have their own Categories. These are simple ways to organize your content and can be filtered by users viewing your public ideas, updates page or updates widget.


For Updates, Productstash provides the following default categories (which can be edited and extended):
  1. Announcements
  2. New Feature
  3. Improvement
  4. Maintenance
  5. Coming Soon
  6. Fix


For Ideas, Categories might represent more of a workflow status, for example New, To do, In progress, Done etc. By default, Productstash has:
  1. New Idea
  2. Considering
  3. On Roadmap
  4. Won't Do
As with Objectives and Update Categories, the above can be edited and extended.


Tags provide an extra level of organization, and these are available for use across all content types (e.g. you could tag a roadmap card, update and idea all with "planned for 2021" for example). 

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