Setting up a Jira Cloud integration

Setting up a Jira Cloud integration


LoopedIn can be configured to integrate directly with Jira.

The integration allows you to push Ideas from LoopedIn to Jira, creating a link between the two. Currently, LoopedIn supports pushing Ideas as either:

  1. Epic (not supported for Next Gen projects)
  2. Story
When an Idea is published to Jira, LoopedIn will push:
  1. Title
  2. Description
  3. Tags (labels)

1. Getting started

To get started, navigate to the 'Integrations' page from the main menu:

Enter a name for your connection and add your Jira URL. This is typically, but could be different. Once added, click save.

2. Get your public key

Once you have added your connection name and Jira URL, you will receive a public key. Take a copy of this as you will need it for the next step. At this point, also ensure you have enabled pop-ups from LoopedIn within your browser settings.

With your public key copied, navigate to your Jira instance, and select 'Products' from your main menu:

From there, select 'Application links' on the left hand side, and then add before clicking 'Create new link':

Set the new URL to

Then add the following configurations:
  1. Application name: LoopedIn
  2. Application type: Generic Application
  3. Service Provider Name: LoopedIn
  4. Consumer key: productstash
  5. Shared secret: productstash
  6. Request Token URL:
  7. Access token URL:
  8. Authorize URL:
  9. Ensure 'Create incoming link' is checked

Click Continue.

4. Add your public key

In the next screen, add the following configurations:
  1. Consumer key: productstash
  2. Consumer name: productstash
  3. Public Key: paste in your public key from step 2

Your Jira application link should now be configured:

5. Authorise your application

Ensure you have enabled pop-ups from LoopedIn within your browser settings. Head back to LoopedIn and select 'Authorise'.

This should open a new window from Jira:

Select "Allow". This should approve your access and provide you with a verification code. Copy this verification code:

In LoopedIn, add your verification code from Jira and click 'Authorise':

6. Set default mappings

Once authorised, the final step is to configure your mappings. There are two levels of mappings within LoopedIn:
  1. Project mappings: set default mappings between LoopedIn Workspaces & Jira projects
  2. Content mappings: set default mappings between LoopedIn content & Jira issues

Review and save these settings.

7. Publish an Idea from LoopedIn to Jira

Once your integration is live, all Ideas will have a new banner across the top of them. To publish an idea, select 'Publish idea' to display the Jira options.

Which will display:

Once published, the link between LoopedIn and Jira will be live and shown across the top. The Jira key also acts as a link to the issue in Jira.

8. Re-syncing

Re-syncing the Idea will update and overwrite the following content in Jira:
  1. Title
  2. Description
  3. Tags (labels)