LoopedIn can be configured to integrate directly with Jira.
The integration allows you to push Ideas from LoopedIn to Jira, creating a link between the two. Currently, LoopedIn supports pushing Ideas as either:
- Epic (not supported for Next Gen projects)
- Story
When an Idea is published to Jira, LoopedIn will push:
- Title
- Description
- Tags (labels)
1. Getting started
To get started, navigate to the 'Integrations' page from the main menu:
2. Get your public key
Once you have added your connection name and Jira URL, you will receive a public key. Take a copy of this as you will need it for the next step. At this point, also ensure you have enabled pop-ups from LoopedIn within your browser settings.
3. Setup application link in Jira
With your public key copied, navigate to your Jira instance, and select 'Products' from your main menu:
From there, select 'Application links' on the left hand side, and then add
https://app.loopedin.io before clicking 'Create new link':
Then add the following configurations:
- Application name: LoopedIn
- Application type: Generic Application
- Service Provider Name: LoopedIn
- Consumer key: productstash
- Shared secret: productstash
- Request Token URL: https://app.loopedin.io
- Access token URL: https://app.loopedin.io
- Authorize URL: https://app.loopedin.io
- Ensure 'Create incoming link' is checked
Click Continue.
4. Add your public key
In the next screen, add the following configurations:
- Consumer key: productstash
- Consumer name: productstash
- Public Key: paste in your public key from step 2
Your Jira application link should now be configured:
5. Authorise your application
Ensure you have enabled pop-ups from LoopedIn within your browser settings. Head back to LoopedIn and select 'Authorise'.
This should open a new window from Jira:
Select "Allow". This should approve your access and provide you with a verification code. Copy this verification code:
In LoopedIn, add your verification code from Jira and click 'Authorise':
6. Set default mappings
Once authorised, the final step is to configure your mappings. There are two levels of mappings within LoopedIn:
- Project mappings: set default mappings between LoopedIn Workspaces & Jira projects
- Content mappings: set default mappings between LoopedIn content & Jira issues
Review and save these settings.
7. Publish an Idea from LoopedIn to Jira
Once your integration is live, all Ideas will have a new banner across the top of them. To publish an idea, select 'Publish idea' to display the Jira options.
Which will display:
Once published, the link between LoopedIn and Jira will be live and shown across the top. The Jira key also acts as a link to the issue in Jira.
8. Re-syncing
Re-syncing the Idea will update and overwrite the following content in Jira:
- Title
- Description
- Tags (labels)